
When you use Unisats/OKX/ wallet to buy $Seal on utxoswap.xyz, if you need to leap $Seal back to Bitcoin, currently only JoyID wallet supports the bidirectional leap of RGB++ assets. You need to transfer $Seal to the JoyID wallet and then perform the leap operation.

  1. Create a JoyID wallet. See the tutorial ➡️: How to Create a JoyID Wallet?
  2. Connect Unisats/OKX/Metamask wallet to UTXOSwap and send $Seal to the CKB address of the JoyID wallet.📷


  1. Use the JoyID wallet to perform the leap. Leap Tutorial : How to Leap $Seal back to the Bitcoin Via JoyID Leap Feature?



如果我在 UTXOSwap 上使用 Unisats/OKX/MetaMask 钱包购买 $Seal,如何将其跳回比特币以进行质押?

当您使用 Unisats/OKX/钱包utxoswap.xyz 购买 $Seal 时,如果需要将 $Seal 跳转回比特币,目前只有 JoyID 钱包支持 RGB++ 资产的双向跳跃。您需要将 $Seal 转移到 JoyID 钱包,然后进行跳跃操作。

  1. 创建一个 JoyID 钱包。教程见 ➡️:如何创建 JoyID 钱包
  2. 连接 Unisats/OKX/Metamask 钱包 到 UTXOSwap,并将 $Seal 发送到 JoyID 钱包的 CKB 地址。📷


  1. 使用 JoyID 钱包进行跳跃操作。跳跃教程:如何通过 JoyID 跳跃功能将 $Seal 跳回比特币?