What is RGB++

<aside> 🖨️ RGB++ = RGB + CKB + LN

****As an extension of the RGB protocol, RGB++ aims to address the technical challenges faced in implementing the original RGB protocol. It leverages isomorphic binding technology to map Bitcoin's UTXO set onto Nervos' Cell model, enabling cross-chain interoperability. Using client-side validation and single-use seals, RGB++ can adeptly manage state changes and transaction verification across chains, unleashing the potential of Bitcoin L1 assets.





1️⃣ #RGB++ Protocol Light Paper (Translation)

2️⃣ A Deep Dive into RGB++: Security Analysis (Translation)

3⃣️ **Enhancing Bitcoin Layer 1 Programmability with the RGB++ Protocol: Practical Examples**

Further Readings

文章/视频 (1)


RGB++ Ecosystem

Interact with RGB++ in JoyID

Experience seamless viewing, receiving, purchasing, sending, listing, and splitting of RGB++ assets within JoyID wallet.
