We have detected security vulnerabilities in a few keys belonging to a very small number of users, resulting in these keys being unable to perform CKB-related transactions. Please follow this guide to re-add a backup device and add a new key, then delete the problematic key.

Re-add Backup Device to Add New Key

  1. On the security page, locate the "+ Add" button at the top right corner and click on it to begin adding a new backup device and key.
  2. Follow the instructions on the page to select the "Add Backup Device" option and complete the process of adding the new device and key. This may involve scanning a QR code, generating new key on backup device, and other verification steps.

Once you have added the new key on the newly added device, you can proceed with any necessary operations using this new key.

<aside> 💡 Delete Problematic Key (Optional) It's advisable to remove it and rely solely on the new key for all operations.

  1. Return to the security page and locate the key you suspect has a security issue.
  2. Click on the key to view detailed information. There is usually a "revoke" button available to remove the key. Click the "revoke" to revoke the key. </aside>